


This page contains information about the deceased and their burial places, here you can also order cemetary services and send applications. There is also a short overview about the offered E-services, different cemeteries could render different services.


Search for the burial place can be conducted by first and family name or even by family name only. The answer would be the name of the deceased with the address of the burial place and time of birth, death and burial (in case these data do exist in the database).  However, there can be more than one deceased with that name. In that case the button „Choose" will show other persons buried to the same burial place. 

Heritage protection

Here is all the information about burial places under heritage protection.

Burial places under surveillance

This contains the list of neglected burial places. The places neglected by customers-keepers are listed and proclaimed under surveillance for a year. In case the customer will not take care of the place within this year or will not reach an agreement about it with the administrator of the cemetary, the place will be dispossessed.

Dispossessed burial places

The neglected burial places under surveillance that stay neglected during a year will be dispossessed by an offifial decision on the comission.  By dispossession the customer will lose all rights to the burial place. The place will be emptied of gravestones and other markers and will be given to another customer.

A letter of application for a burial place

Here is an electronic letter of application to register as the customer (keeper) of a burial place.

Order for services

Here is an electronic application to order services on a burial place. Customer can send a list of services and timelines for the services needed. The administrative office of the cemetary will compile the price calculation and send it to the customer. If the customer finds it suitable, he will have to pay the agreed amount, that will be the grounds  to render the agreed service.

Price list

The price list of the cemetary

Renewal of data

Here is an electronic form of application for the registered customer to enter or change the birth and death dates of persons buried to the burial place in his keeping. The administrative office of the cemetary will decide to accept or not accept the changes.


The cemetaries that have drawn an electronic map have included the map in the cemetaries portal. The manual for the map can be seen when the map is open (button  ?  )